A review by fritz42
Strange Medicine by S.C. Wynne


Maxwell is a fish out of water. Having moved from LA to a small town in Texas, he was trying to start over. Rather than being a surgeon, he was the town's new GP. He thought being in a small town meant that he could keep to himself. Boy was he wrong. A scene much like that in Doc Hollywood, all of Rainy Dale flocked to see him. Including the Sheriff Royce Callum.

There was a spark between the two of them, but unfortunately, strange things began to happen to Maxwell, all centering around his house. Things get complicated. Maxwell and Royce work to find out what is going on before more people can be hurt.

I loved finding out about Maxwell's childhood, which explains a lot about why he is so aloof and uptight. Some of my favorite parts were when Royce took it upon himself to teach and show Maxwell how to be a more compassionate person.

I had planned to read the next book in the series, [b:Scalpels & Psychopaths|56885427|Scalpels & Psychopaths (Dr. Maxwell Thornton Murder Mysteries, #2)|S.C. Wynne|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1612001866l/56885427._SY75_.jpg|87871444], but the cliff hanger at the end of this one just solidified that decision for me.