A review by seventhchariot
The Second Rebel by Linden A. Lewis


Rating: 2.5/5

hmmmmmm...this is perhaps my biggest disappointment of the year.

I read [b:The First Sister|52378525|The First Sister (The First Sister Trilogy, #1)|Linden A. Lewis|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1584211465l/52378525._SY75_.jpg|71431861] earlier this year and really enjoyed it! I think I gave it four stars but I remember being super excited for the sequel. So, I immediately requested an eARC of it from NetGalley, and lo and behold, I was approved! And yet, I didn't feel many emotions while reading this.

What I loved the most about the first book is the way we got introduced to this world and our three main characters, this book however added in a whole lot more characters, changed up the POV setup that I enjoyed in book one, and added in some really cringy romance for some reason.

What did I like? Mmmmm...well, I still enjoyed the world and the political intrigue but sadly not much else.

Maybe this book was just suffering from that dreaded middle book syndrome. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood. All I know is that I'm very unhappy with one of my most anticipated releases of the year flopping so badly.

A big thank you to Netgalley and the publishers as always for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review!