A review by unsquare
Kill All Angels by Robert Brockway


Brockway finished his trilogy of gonzo punk horror novels in fine form. Our ragtag heroes take the fight back to the angels and empty ones, and it’s a hell of a lot of fun.

In this installment, the gang teams up with a surprisingly helpful empty one named Zang, who used to hang out with Carey back in the day. One particularly great sequence happens in a dilapidated fancy suburb that fell off the side of a cliff after an earthquake, where barely functional unnoticeables go through the motions of daily life in absolute darkness.

My only regret in finishing this is that I want more books with this combination of humor, horror, and surrealism all thrown together in a narrative blender, and I’m not sure where I’m going to find that kind of experience. I may pick up Brockway’s earlier books, but he doesn’t have a particularly deep body of work yet.