A review by stephreviewsbooks
Loving the Legend by Kit Grey



If I was only allowed two words to sum this book up it would be sadness and love. The two work side by side in Ty's story. His sadness is immense from the loss of his parents, who had so much to live for, but he carries on for them. He is also slightly confused about his feelings for Sid, he really cannot stop the feelings everytime he sees him. Sid is tricky to figure out, as generous as his giant height, but is it just friendship or does he feel more for Ty? We only have Ty's POV so we are as confused as Ty around the mixed messages. When they finally get together it is like a firework factory, they are so hot together, lots of delicious scenes that never ebb. Despite the angst and sadness there is a lot of bedroom scenes and they help elevate the intimacy and steam. You know they will both fall in deep and fast. The connection between them is beautiful what more can two rich and famous basketball players want or need?  However, this book isn't a walk in the park romance. It has high angst, extreme detail of depression. The depression is so well written, it is all consuming and as much as Ty is trying to deal with it alone, so Sid isn't affected, it actually has the opposite effect. There is no I in depressed, it effects everyone you love; helpless and sad that whatever you do doesn't make a difference. You will ache for Ty as his depression spirals but you will feel the sadness for Sid with being pushed away. The reality is he is going through it alongside Ty, just in another form. Love is strong, but they have to battle for it to win and it is hard to watch them go through it. This story is written in single POV, and because Sid is so open and honest we know what he is thinking. However, I would have loved to have known his thoughts and feelings as he watched the man he loved so deeply, fall deeper into darkness. Words that he wouldn't say aloud to Ty.  Anyone who knows depression knows that how time plays such a big role: Time for headspace to shift, time for the darkness to thin out, time for strategies to make progress. Time takes away so much but at the same time gives hope and healing. The ending gave us the start of a HEA and I can't wait for Ty's happier dreams to come true. I think Ty and Sid will sit with me a long time, I can't count how many times tears fell when I read this book, it is a roller coaster of emotion. I am so pleased there will be a second book to this series, I loved the interactions with their teammates. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.