A review by b_s_p
Diamonds are Forever by Ian Fleming


Conflicted….lame villains and a not all that interesting middle portion where it’s a lot of talking about James Bond at horse races and hanging around Vegas, but a great Bond Girl in Tiffany Case and a couple well written action scenes (and some of the travelogue stuff is an interesting look at 50’s Vegas). Without Tiffany this is prob a two star. I think the way people sometimes talk about book Tiffany is pretty uncharitable, I don’t think Bond is there to “fix” her or make her assault seem “not important”, I think his surprisingly gentle attitude and care for her is simply a totally new experience for her having grown up seeing the way men treat women they don’t need to treat well because her mom owned a Cat House. Don’t know why I feel the need to defend a fictional character, maybe because I found her pretty three dimensional and charming (compared to the other Bond girls at least). Anyway, maybe the weakest so far. Sad!