A review by beckymmoe
My Forever Plus-One by Shannyn Schroeder


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 10/17/19.

Finally--Owen and Evelyn's story!

I feel like I've been waiting forever for them to figure their way out to an HEA (okay, so it was just two books, but it *felt* like ages!) Friends-to-lovers is one of my favorite tropes, and Ms Schroeder does a fantastic job with it here. If you've read the other series books, you know that Owen and Evelyn have been perfectly comfortable hanging out together, being each others' BFFs and eternal plus-ones, neither really feeling the pressure to do more. Then Nina issues her challenge (in [b:One Night With the Millionaire|42967799|One Night With the Millionaire (Daring Divorcees, #1)|Shannyn Schroeder|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1543429500l/42967799._SY75_.jpg|66789927]) and their friends in the group start to find own ways to HEAs. It seems like everyone--from series characters to the readers--knows that the two of them should be together. When would they finally get their acts together and try?

The answer, of course, is in this book. And no, it wasn't easy--at times it felt like it might be, but of course their pasts and issues and hangups are going to get in the way and make them work for it instead. As angry as I wanted to get with Owen (and yeah, he kinda deserves it) I still understood where he was coming from and realized that Evelyn had some things to smooth out too--that HEA wasn't going to happen on its own, and they both had work to do to get there.

And then they do. And it's wonderful :)

Now, let's see what Ms Schroeder can do with the rest of the group... ;)

My Forever Plus-One is the third book in the series. It can be read as a standalone, but you're going to want to get to know all of the "daring divorcees" better, so why not read them all? :)

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.