A review by bookapotamus
The Comeback Summer by Ali Brady


Ahhh this book was so cute!

But also - how does such a cute read also feel like it's relatable, and inspirational, and can someone get me a Lou in my life immediately, please?!

I loved that this was like a love story of sisters. About being who they are together - as coworkers, sisters, and best friends - but also being their best selves individually - as the unique and strong women they both are. So incredibly different but both so intelligent and charismatic in their own rights - and equally fun to cheer on as they grow out of their comfort zones.

And bonus... those comfort zones involve super dreamy guys too :)

Who hasn't felt comfortable in their lives while also feeling a bit stuck and uninspired? This story made me feel like I want to take some risks and kick my comfort zones butt. And to me - that's the best kind of story.