A review by aandromeda
Survive the Night by Danielle Vega


I feel really out of place here. I really enjoyed this book and I'm having a hard time figuring out why so many people seemed to hate it. I thought the writing was adept and the plot was nicely paced, and the main character, Casey, was actually a breath of fresh air compared to 90% of other main characters I've had to go through; she never made me roll my eyes or cringe, although there were a couple times I wanted to crawl into the pages and tell her to think about and process things, but we all get caught up in our own minds sometimes, don't we?

Now the antagonist sure is a bit hard to put together - fairly difficult, but I came here for a fast-paced horror novel that would kick off my Spooky Reads season, and to be honest I wasn't expecting that at all. There are a few things that don't add up about it, but I was a little more caught up with the main characters and their fates, and honestly if anyone was in their position, I think they'd be, too.

I had put off reading this book for so long because of all the negativity towards it, but I kept coming back to it because the premise just seemed so interesting; I eventually read the little preview available here on Goodreads and decided I had to read the whole thing, simply because I wanted to, and I wasn't going to let anyone else's opinions get in my way. But I did keep them in my mind, which is why I went into this with absolutely no expectations, and came out feeling extremely satisfied.