A review by axi_on
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson


“Life before Death.
Strength before Weakness.
Journey before Destination.”

Wow. Just, wow. The Way of Kings was absolutely phenomenal. The world building is excellent, the fights and action sequences are ridiculously well choreographed, and Kaladin has cemented himself as one of my favorite characters of all time.

The last 300 pages of the book were quite literally perfection. I am not an emotional person, but this portion of the book made me cry, not tears of sadness, but tears of awe at how far people who have fallen so low could rise.
SpoilerSeeing Bridge 4 slowly go from a group of people resigned to be used as fodder to such a strong and caring people that they gave up freedom to save a group of people that would have them returned them to die for all they knew was amazing. Dalinar and Adolin's resignation to meet their end and then having Kaladin spark while saying the words was simply incredible. Dalinar trading a Shardblade, A SHARDBLADE, to Sadeas for the bridge crews warmed my heart, and I cannot wait to see more interactions between him and Kaladin.

The reveals at the end shocked me, and I am looking forward to starting Words of Radiance once I fall out of this stupor.