A review by readingwitherin
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo


This book is obviously by a white woman and she mentions that right at the beginning of the book. This is good because it shows how she has learned what she has and why she does what she does. We see the mistakes she has made over the years and we can learn from them because of how she has asked questions and had meaningful conversations with Blacks and other people of color.

I learned a lot from this book when it comes to recognizing how white people see race and deal with race. White fragility helped me recognize more microaggressions that happen and how we can stop them or even prevent them from happening.

There were so many other little things from this book that were good reminders for me especially when it came to having certain conversations and how to go about having those conversations.

I’m glad I read this one and I am going to encourage those around me to read it as well.