A review by wordsworn
Water Memory by Mathieu Reynes


Interesting story, nice art! There's a bit at the end where one of the creators talks about the places and things that inspired this story, and he mentions Miyazaki, which is a fairly accurate comparison. It does have sort of a "Ponyo" feel, though it's definitely darker in tone, what with the curse of some mysterious sea monsters/ocean spirits causing people to die at sea. But, there is a young, plucky female lead who is smart, resourceful, and curious, which is pretty Miyazaki-esque, as is the hint of the magic underlying the 'local legend' that she learns about.

That said, the only reason this doesn't get more stars is...it doesn't feel fully "complete." The curse isn't broken...and the sea monster/spirits clearly aren't going to be satisfied forever...so where does that leave us? I want to think of it as a hopeful ending, but...I'm not convinced. I'm worried for Marion and her mother both, so unless there's a sequel where things are ACTUALLY settled, this is gonna have to stay at three stars for me.