A review by plantladyreader
Therapist by B.A. Paris, B.A. Paris


Talk about a twisted, suspense-filled thriller! I had never read anything by this author before, but after enjoying this one so much I think I'll check out some more of her work!

Alice and Leo move in to a newly renovated house inside a gated community called The Circle. However, not everyone is happy to see new faces around. As Alice struggles to make friends with her neighbours, she discovers something disturbing about her new house. Driven to discover what really happened to the woman who lived there before causes Alice to question everyone around her. Why do her neighbours not want to talk about it? Why can she see so much of herself in Nina before she died? What other secrets has Leo been keeping from her, besides the morbid history of her new home? As Alice pulls at the thread of this troubling tale, she neglects to see just how much danger she's really in.

Paris was really great at making everyone around Alice have their moments of being a suspect. I was initially reading and finding myself saying "oh it's gotta be this guy!" multiple times, before I finally landed on the correct character. While I figured it out slightly before the big reveal, it took nothing away from the story for me. I was still invested in Alice and her quest to discover what really happened in her home, and whether one of her neighbours could really be involved. Definitely an enjoyable, suspenseful read!