A review by irishtraveller
Insatiable by Meg Cabot


I want to give this 3.5 stars, but since GoodReads doesn't allow that...

This was my first exposure to Meg Cabot's writing. I love her style. It's fast-paced, witty, and easy to follow. But where she tripped me on this book was how quickly the romance between the two characters played out. Meena and Lucien seem perfect for each other, and I read in eager anticipation, hoping I could see the two of them find their perfect happy ending.

Boy, was I fooled. Instead, Meena's boyfriend turns into a vicious fire-breathing dragon, and a love triangle is throw into the mix when Alaric--a vampire hunter--comes into the picture, causing Meena to reassess (internally) her love for Lucien.

I think it most bothered me that Meena fell in love so quickly. When you know, you know, but it seemed Meena was sure just a little too fast for my taste. Also, Lucien's perfection irritated me. It seemed he didn't have a single flaw...until the angry fire-breathing dragon part happened at the end.

In the end, I really enjoyed the writing style and the initial pace of the story, and I'm hoping the next book in the series is better. I really want to love these characters, but I found myself wanting to throw the book at a wall instead.