A review by theqissilent
One Day by David Nicholls


I nearly gave up on this book. It took a while for me to get into it, because I felt such little sympathy for the characters. Emma and Dexter were just selfish, self-absorbed, self-centered, and focused way too much on their own self-importance. Emma especially seemed contrary for the sake of being contrary. And Dexter was just a spoiled rich boy. I was 1/2 way thru the book before I really started to like them. But, Nicholl's story telling grabbed me and I did really want to see them work things out. In the end, I enjoyed the book and was devastated with Emma's death. At that point, I sort of knew one would die, but it was still heartbreaking. It was one of the only parts of the book when I actually felt "poor Dex". And poor Emma, never getting her baby. But, I'm glad the ending went back to Edinburgh and their kiss, their beginning, which was so sweet! The last few scenes with Dex and Jas were as well. It gave a book that was in so many ways just plain sad, a happy ending. Overall, good book, and in its own way a beautiful, realistic love story.