A review by jemmacrosland
My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing


Damn I'm so disappointed in this book 😫 I have seen raving reviews from other readers that have a similar taste in books to me and I've been looking forward to reading this mystery thriller. 
This is a difficult book to talk about without spoilers so my main brief thoughts are how much I disliked the characters, even the children who I found super annoying 🫣 something I realised after reading and looking at GRs the MMC never reveals his name! I never even noticed, which demonstrates how little I cared about his character. I felt no sympathy throughout (except for the victims of course) and couldn't connect with the characters. 
The plot itself was just a bit silly and not fully planned out, I felt like I kept asking "why?" and it was never answered. It was just unrealistic, especially the ending. I feel completely unsatisfied with the conclusion and there are too many plot holes and loose threads. The writing itself was well done and I think the short chapters definitely helped the book out and kept it thrilling and difficult to put down. I don't think I will read more from this author as I know this is their most popular release but if you are looking for a fast, twisty domestic thriller you may enjoy this one more than I did.
2 stars