A review by emvlreads
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

lighthearted relaxing medium-paced


Firstly, I think it’s important to note that this was different from what I mostly read (aka romance novels (or fantasy)) and this might be a reason why I was quite underwhelmed in the beginning. All the hype surrounding this book probably didn’t help either. From the second story onwards, I started liking it a bit better. I think I got used to the author’s style and the characters and such, and that helped my enjoyment of the story. In the end, I’m happy I read this and I quite enjoyed it. I was affected by the end and some parts of the stories. I didn’t cry or anything, but I felt a bit emotional, so I came around to the story eventually. 

Though I’m happy to have read this, I don’t understand the extreme hype surrounding it and if I didn’t already have the second book, I probably wouldn’t feel the need to buy or read it. I did enjoy the different stories or chapters within the book. It was nice to finish something relatively quickly for a change. And I think it has a gorgeous cover.