A review by ekbsports
Becoming Ms. Burton: From Prison to Recovery to Leading the Fight for Incarcerated Women by Cari Lynn, Susan Burton


I read Michelle Alexander's "The New Jim Crow" recently and "Becoming Ms. Burton" is the perfect follow-up. It takes all of the facts and policies that Michelle details in her book and puts them into human form. It takes the "legal" and makes it so human...which means that I was forced to confront many assumptions I have made/prejudices I have about incarcerated men and women. Susan Burton is an absolutely incredible person. I am horrified by many of the situations she faced in her history and truly in awe of all she has accomplished and overcome in her life/career. This is an important read. I plan to make a donation to A New Way of Life (and you should too!): http://anewwayoflife.org/.