A review by arachne_reads
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin


It took me a long while to crack into this book, if only because my ADHD brain kept running off on other tracks when I tried to sit down with it in the beginning, but once I bit into the first 30 pages without LIFE slamming into me and throwing me off into the weeds, I inhaled this as fast as the Broken Earth Trilogy.

Jemisin knows her craft-- you can see the beginning of her toying with narration here, and to strong effect. She makes the awareness of colonialism and dominate cultures ache-- because you see it here, and its effects and you see it in the world around us. But the gem here is the subversion of the violent revenge. She steps so neatly away from that and toward a different understanding/experience-based narrative of justice, it gave me chills.