A review by wingedcreature
Rebel Angels by Libba Bray


I loved Rebel Angels even more than I liked A Great And Terrible Beauty. You really get to see the consequences of what Gemma did.

I really like the realms in Rebel Angels, and that is because you get to see more of them. Like the Cave of Sighs and the Temple and the forests. What I loved the most was that things moved along, and it didn't feel like a middle novel at all.

The readers are kept on their toes, with the mystery and the anagrams. Circe was the last person I expected: I didn't see it coming. I love that a lot of the novel is spent away from Spence. You get to see Gemma and Felicity in their homes, with Ann staying with Felicity. A lot of time is spent in the realms, of course, which I just love. And seeing how staying in the realms, and not crossing over, has changed Pippa. I don't think it's the last we'll see of her, and I don't think it will end well.

I loved seeing London, and thought it was a nice contrast with the realms. You have a city that's changing, with Felicity being too headstrong to get a nice British man, and the little hints about how London going away from gaslamps towards electricity. And you have another world that is more complex and corrupt than you could ever imagine. They're very different, and yet there are some parallels between the two.

The characters didn't seem very different in this book, which is the only thing I didn't really like. I know it's only a couple months or so after A Great And Terrible Beauty, but it didn't seem like the characters had changed very much, other than Pippa.

It gets a 5 out of 5. I enjoyed it a lot, and I can't wait to read the last book!