A review by kjanie
A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers


4.5/5 stars

This was absolutely delightful. A food critic turned cannibal woman serial killer? I mean, there is no way I could resist that. This was told in such a sharp, darkly funny and self-aware way. While some people may find parts over-written, it was the arrogance and pride that came from this writing style that felt so natural for the character. The narration was exactly what I would expect Dorothy to sound like in all of her blunt, self-righteous and un-remorseful glory.

While this may have no profound deeper meaning (depending on who you ask), it is exactly what the book sells itself as. It’s sexy, bloody, funny and just so enthralling. I found myself smiling along with Dorothy, despite the absolute depravity she engaged in. The more I think about this book, the more I love it. I’ve bumped up my initial rating because I just can’t stop thinking about it, talking about it with friends and wishing that this was a movie. Please someone adapt this, we need a Dorothy on our screens.