A review by aloozahra
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini


This book is really great as an introduction to modern Afghan history if you have no prior knowledge of it. Maybe it doesn't delve deep enough, due to the fact that Amir and his father were somewhat affluent people, so they did have the opportunity to flee.. and it barely begins to explain the toll taken by the Afghans who couldn't get out (and their situation is much much more dire. They have to live under the Taliban for goodness sake)... But it is insightful. I read a negative review of this book once that said, "This is the book that people read to feel cultured." Yeah, that might be true. But you need to start somewhere, don't you? This is the type of book that would start you on the path toward other books that would make you more globally-aware, which is something 1st-world citizens, particularly Americans (with all our apathy) need. And there's nothing wrong with that. And even if you don't think so, you should at least be able to appreciate Hosseini's writing.

I did cry multiple times... At times it was literally painful to read because it seriously reaches into your heart and twists over and over again. The emotional impact this book had on me is incredible, which is why I gave it a 5, but I would be hesitant to read it again (even though I own it) because I don't know if I could go through all of that again.