A review by silvae
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells


In times like these, reading books about how horrible things can (and might and probably will) get isn't really the best thing to do.
Thankfully, David Wallace-Wells manages to introduce us to all these awful scenarios in a way that doesn't necessarily come across as pessimistic, but realistic, dare we say, optimistically so. It's immensely depressing to know that 2020 won't be an outlier year, but instead the start of a new normal - one devoid of any normality whatsoever - there's no denying that. Nonetheless, The Uninhabitable Earth encourages its readers to not sink into despair, but instead be awake and aware of what is happening, and where things will go. It's not a sermon or a call to arms, it's pure information and somedays, that's all you need.