A review by thesinginglights
Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson



In retrospect, Oathbringer looks a lot better than my memories of Words of Radiance, arguably the best book so far in the Stormlight Archive. I think this one is akin to A Feast For Crows by George R. R. Martin wherein, following the epic actiony highs of the previous book, we have a more measured novel exploring the fallout of such things. This isn't to say that it isn't actiony as especially with the finale of this (arguably the most explosive) this sticks in the mind as the series high. What I mean is that slowing down and exploring the after effects is a necessary evil. Sanderson himself has said that doing the same thing each book would get stale and I would agree. And the result is a more thoughtful and introspective book. That being said, it's still a little unwieldy and some of the diversions don't pay off as nicely as they potentially good. Still some meaty stuff for Moash, Kaladin, and especially Dalinar (among others) but there a whole lulls in the middle of the book where very little forward momentum is made. I'm happy to luxuriate as that's part of the draw of the Stormlight Archive but I think this book got a bit the better of him. Also, the limits of his simpler writing got the better of him. I lost count how many times he described something unusual as "wrong". I'm okay with it being used sparingly as that can add to unsettlement but unless I get a sense of how it's wrong, it's not as impactful as it could be. I know Sanderson is a skilled enough writer to avoid this pitfall. It's a minor gripe because overall I defend Sanderson's simpler more utilitarian prose. The worlds he builds have a great deal of complexity and the accessible language allows for greater immersion in my opinion, especially into the characters heads.

But overall, despite my (ultimately quite minor) gripes, this is a strong entry into the fantasy canon and thoroughly enjoyable. I've not quite read anything like and yet it's just like all the fantasy that I do enjoy turned up to be excited and heart-breaking at once.

From 2019

Man I am pooped. Review to come.