A review by lisavegan
The Apprentice Witch by James Nicol


For me it was slow to engage and I was thinking that maybe it was one of those children’s books truly more enjoyed by children than older people but I ended up liking it. And I did not guess everything that was coming, though the ending was not a surprise to me.

It was hard for me to decide between 3 and 4 stars. For much of the book I simply liked it but there were times, including the ending, that I really liked, so I’ll give it 3-1/2 stars.

I love Arianwyn. And I love her name. She is kind and she is brave, she has good intentions, and imperfections, and I think that girls will identify with her. I liked her a lot but often felt frustrated with her. There are also many other great characters.

I thoroughly enjoyed the place witches have in this world, assigned to people and towns to help them, and valued by them. I also love the place magic has in this world and the forms it takes. I thought the author showed a lot of creativity. Even though the premise is reminiscent of other books I’ve read the details are unique.