A review by uderecife
The Future of Life by Edward O. Wilson


I didn’t want to pass the opportunity to review a book I have read and that gave me more food for thought in an increasing understanding of how important is the issue treated on this book.

If you are familiar with Edward O. Wilson’s work, you don’t need much to understand its subject matter, for the title says it all: The Future of Life. And if you are aware of the ongoing pressure we humans have been putting against life’s continuation on this planet, this book will just be another reminder of how big a blow ours have been.

Published in 2003, the book hasn’t aged too well. Not that it contains incorrect information, it’s just that the many let’s say less optimistic predictions haven’t fared well with the accelerating downward trend the world has followed. So it’s not E. O. Wilson’s fault that we haven’t taken heed of his advice and that we, as a whole, continued to act blindly to warnings such as these.

If you are acquainted with E. O. Wilson’s work and you are pondering about reading this book, maybe you can devote your time to more recent publications, for maybe your time will be better spent. If you are new to the author, don’t waste your time here, and choose some other of his best known works, for this is not his best. In any case, if you enjoy E. O. Wilson’s writing style and the clear way he presents his subject matter, this book won’t weigh you down.