A review by emmanovella
A Murder of Crows by Sarah Yarwood-Lovett


This was almost perfect for me - it didn't have quite enough "actual" clues that I could pick up on and use to solve the crime, it was more things being laid out then explained how they proved whodunnit at the end which isn't as fun and doesn't keep me as captivated as when there are either subtle hints or direct 'this is a clue, what does it mean?' moments but I still thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I am slightly slumpy at present, so this may have been me, but for a relatively short book, this seemed to drag at points and I'd have liked slightly faster pacing.

Potential (minor) spoilers:
Nell is an interesting character. At the start she felt very well rounded but then we learn something and realise she isn't quite what she seems and I'm interested to actually get to know her as the series goes on.
She is a very clever woman but also stupid and irritating - the fact she had no common sense at points, going off to the crime scene and going after a suspect.
I also felt she too easily got off with a lot of things and there were aspects I just didn't understand - the staying at the scene of a crime overnight (with police permission!!) made no sense. Surely they could've gone somewhere with conor (even dropped off at a hotel) but overall i found these things minor and in a way it adds to the charm of the series that it doesn't take itself too seriously. It's not quite what I'd consider cosy mystery territory (where I definitely am more forgiving of things, such as in The Charity Shop Detective Agency where the police literally give information to the elderly ladies trying to solve the mystery!) but it's pretty close and so I'll allow it!

I definitely plan to keep going with the series - hopefully as I get out of this slump I'll enjoy them more and more!