A review by anarchasemiyah
Abolition. Feminism. Now. by Erica Meiners, Gina Dent, Beth Richie, Angela Y. Davis

informative reflective


Abolition.Feminism.Now provides a genealogy of abolition feminist movements/organizations throughout the years and currently. These movements exemplify how an abolitionist framework coupled with antiracist, anticapitalist feminist practice ensures that work being done is addressing the root of issues. Violence— whether it be carried out by the state, interpersonal, gender or racist— are not isolated incidents. The foundation that has been laid by radical abolition feminist organizations such as INCITE!, Critical, Resistance etc., has been crucial in the continued development of this practice. 

In the last few years there have been movements that co-opt the language of their more radical counterparts. Campaigns that speak of defunding and reform but fail to realize that defunding or reforming a corrupt system or entity only allows it to function in a more acceptable fashion. A “better” cell is still a cage. Abolition feminism seeks structural change, not temporary salves. 

Davis, Dent, Meiners, and Richie are not providing the reader with a step by step of how to utilize abolition feminism per se, but rather encouraging readers to initiate the practice now. They implore us to keep finding and implementing alternatives within our communities as we seek out change that is transformative.