A review by skywhales
Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente


i love goofy, campy science fiction comedy dearly, dearly, dearly. my profile picture may give you a brief hint to this, though that sci fi comedy's not really in the same direction as douglas adams. nevertheless, there is a very special place in my dark little heart for anything that doesn't take itself too seriously (but it's doing so in SPACE!). as other reviewers have said, the book does come across as too wordy at times--there's a point at which run on sentences stop being a style and start being a slog. there were parts i found myself skimming because i wanted to get to the next actual important thing. but that doesn't mean there weren't a lot of really good moments, super unique alien designs, and delightful space humor. i feel like the ending was a bit rushed--i wanted to see a little more regarding the aftermath of the grand prix and more final wrap ups between characters (did anyone even get to have a conversation with one another post performance?) but none of that is gonna stop me from probably rereading this in the future. pspspspsps decibel jones you wanna get added to the list in my head of fictional men that i like in a lesbian-y way?