A review by fjcookie
10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall

funny lighthearted fast-paced


things i liked:
  • funny so funny! i laughed out loud so much
  • the characters 
    • jonathan and sam i love 
    • the supporting cast was funny and great too
  • the plot
    • the amnesia trope is hilarious and fan-ficy and yes please

things i didn't like:
  • i wish we saw more of their relationship
    • this whole "they make each other better" thing and "jonathan teaches sam what is really important in life" thing would be more interesting if we actually saw that. i did enjoy reading their relationship dont get me wrong, but like give me more
  • the way jonathan hated his dad because his dad was made redundant in a financial crisis
    • i can see how its a motivator for him and a lot of the conflict of the plot but i never felt like it was fully resolved (probably cos it cant be etc) but it just made him seem like more of a dick and i feel like there could have been another reason/ motivator that was more personal and thus made him seem less dickish
  • the way sam blamed jonathan for not telling him why the budget was important
    • sorry sam you now seem dickish
    • if the boss tells you there's a budget you stick to the budget that's why hes the boss and you're not and just cos you don't understand it doesnt mean they're wrong
  • i wish there was more fallout for jonathan finding out about the fake amnesia
    • i liked the reconcillation etc but i felt like there should have been more fallout, maybe even more sam trying to make it up to jonathan. it was cute that jonathan came after sam but sam was in the wrong and i wish i felt more of jonathan's hurt
  • also why was jonathan hiring sam a sentimental decision as said in the blurb was that ever explained or was it a big lie