A review by dharaiter
The Egg by Andy Weir


I read this story a long time back. I didn't know it was written by Andy Weir. I read it again today and it makes me happy he is the writer. I am an agnostic woman of science and spiritual stories of reincarnation or any other supernatural and religious notion usually do not impress me. But this story is special to me. I don't have to dig deeper if it makes sense logically. I don't even have to believe in this theory that Weir presented. Because the wisdom he imparts through this story is far greater than the story itself. By hurting or abusing a fellow human, I am hurting a part of me. By being kind to someone, I am being kind to myself. That's the essence of the story and it not only makes sense philosophically but also psychologically. We do suffer when we send out hatred into the world. Just keep that emotion alive in our head is a form of suffering. And by telling that all humans are one and the one is all, it takes the story to a whole meta-level. I really like it.