A review by queendarcy
The Thing with Feathers by McCall Hoyle


“Hope” is the thing with feathers -

That perches in the soul -

And sings the tune without the words -

And never stops - at all -

It's hard for me to rate this book because I don't know how realistic it is when it talks about epilepsy. Although, I really liked some parts where she talks about anxiety and her fears. The kind of anxiety we all experience e.g. first day of school.

However, I found her transformation a bit unbelievable - first 17 years of her life she hasn't tried to change at all, and then a month after her mom makes her go to school she realizes what she's missing. She's so full of life and she can do everything. It was a bit too much for someone who barely spoke to anyone except her mom. I guess it's supposed to be optimistic, and the book is quite short and sweet so I don't mind it that much.

"I'm starting to believe that everybody's life might be a little messed up - maybe even as screwed up as mine."

Best part of the book were the characters and the fact that there were no stereotypes whatsoever. When Emilie started going to school she was a bit prejudiced thinking there would be typical jocks and mean girls but she was so wrong. In the beginning, she also thought she was the only one with big problems. She wasn't mean or self-absorbed, she just thought no one would accept and love her if they knew of her illness. But when she reached out more, and spent more time with her friends she realized no one is perfect, everyone has problems.

This would've been a great book if it had something else, something special. It wasn't boring. Okay maybe it was at times, considering nothing happens in the book. She's basically just coping with first days of school and her new feelings. That's just it. There were no "big moments", nothing major happens. I was expecting at least one special moment, something to make this book different than the rest, a scene I will remember, but there wasn't any of that.

To summarize - this was a sweet and decent book, but completely average.