A review by bibli0phagist
The Hotel Between by Sean Easley


Rounded up to 3.5
Cam and Cass have never met their parents. They have been told their mother died and their dad disappeared after dropping off the twins with their Oma. Cam thinks there must be more to the story, surely their dad would not abandon them- would he?
The answer to the question presents itself in the form of a mysterious door which leads to The Hotel Between. While Cam is not initially welcomed he eventually gains access- thanks to his new friend and hotel worker, Nico. This hotel is unlike anything Cam has seen before. It has the capabilities to transport you around the world, it has statues that are more than just statues and an abundance of questions and mysteries that are waiting to be discovered. Cam knows the Hotel has the answers he is looking for, but how hard will it be to find answers he is looking for? And will they be what he expected?
While I liked this book, I was really hoping to like it more. Especially when I read that the book is perfect for fans of Mr. Lemoncello. To be honest there were times where I almost gave up on the book and did not finish it. I think this is because I had a difficult time mentally visualizing what situations looked like and I am still confused when it comes to pins and hinges. Despite this, I had a nagging feeling to continue with the book, due to the fact that just like Cam I wanted answers. Boy am I glad that I decided to stick with it. The ending was AMAZING. I have every intention to read book number two in the series when it is released next year!

***I was given an ARC of this book thanks to NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***
To read more of my reviews visit: www.bibli0phagist.blogspot.com