A review by iffer
The Dom with the Deviant Kittens by Sorcha Black


I read this upon a recommendation since I was looking for stories, including in the romance genre, with poly rep that aren't harem or reverse harem. The more spicy romance/smut that I read and see people's ratings for, the more I realize that, even moreso than any other book, the ratings often depend on people's personal preferences for different tropes and spice type. This book has a LOT of explicit sex, most of which involves some sort of BDSM D/s component, so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who would find that content too off-putting.

I didn't love the level of Mary Sueism of Tess and the Gary Stuism of Lock (clearly self-insertion for nerdy awkard types), nor did I like the very common outcome frequently seen in cishet romance (vague to prevent spoiler). That said, there is also a surprisingly sweet thruple love-story and character development, probably made better due to the depiction of aftercare and use of multiple viewpoints. This book has very solid positive poly, bi, and kink representation.