A review by bryckklovesbooks
His Bet To Take by January Rayne


When I found out that January Rayne was writing a dark romance I’m pretty sure the scream I scrumpt could be heard all the way to the Himalayas!

I was so excited! I have loved January Rayne’s work since first reading ETERNALLY DAMNED. So, I was over the moon about the idea of her writing a dark romance. I had every confidence this book was going to be a guaranteed hit.

We are introduced to Ian Roulette, a powerful man who walks the line between upstanding and underhanded when it comes to how he makes his money. Ian has it all, power, wealth, and empire he has built from the ground up. However, Ian feels something is missing in his life. He’s unsure of what exactly it is until he goes to collect a debt from down-on-his-luck gambling addict. In an attempt to wipe his debt clean, the gambler offers his sister, Mae as payment! One look at the beautiful Mae, and all of the sudden, Ian’s planets align, and all of his lamenting comes to an end after one glance of the beautiful Mae! Ian concludes that what he has been missing in his life is her. Not a man to let anything like morality get in his way, Ian collects on the debt and poor Mae has no idea!

My question is: How did she do it?! How did January Rayne pack a full origin story with a generous dose of spice within the span of a few pages?!

This short novella is spicy! Ian Roulette had me gasping for air and swooning from page one! Ruthless doesn’t begin to describe him. He’s arrogant, bossy, and a control freak. But why does that work so well for him?! And why do I wish I were Mae?! Truthfully, I think every woman secretly yearns for an “Ian” to whisk them away from their troubles and offer them everything just for the comfort of having them nearby. Mae didn’t stand a chance of getting away from him. But then, WHY WOULD SHE WANT TO?!

I loved this story so much. HIS BET TO TAKE was an excellent segue into the forthcoming ALL BETS ARE OFF series. No spoilers here but let’s just say that “Zaddy Ian” was even hotter and sexier as “Daddy Ian”. I can’t wait to see who the second generation of Roulettes will grow into. Will they be sweet and forgiving like their Mom or just as ruthless, cunning, and possessive as their Dad? I’m looking forward to finding out!

When asked the question if January Rayne has an excellent future in writing dark romance, I will answer with a resounding ‘Yes!’ After reading HIS BET TO TAKE, January Rayne has proven that she can definitely hold her own “when playing in dark”. Excellent start to the series!

Happy Reading!