A review by fallingwings
Final Fantasy XIII: Episode Zero: Promise by Jun Eishima, Daisuke Watanabe, Motomu Toriyama


This is an interesting bit that gives us more details and insight to the details leading up to the first games main events. My favorite story was seeing how Serah became a l'cie, since we never got that in the game, but I enjoyed most of the others as well (like seeing how Fang and Vanille have to adapt to the world around them after first waking up from their crystal slumber). The translation might come off as a little rocky in some places ( for example, Serah makes a comment saying how she was "too young to appreciate death" when referring to her father's death. I feel the word should have been understand, not appreciate ). If you're expecting a whirlwind of action and fast pacing events, this probably isn't for you. It takes a calmer and slower approach with the characters and their individual stories. If nothing else, it also gives people who enjoyed the game and it's characters more information we don't get in any of the games. Overall, it isn't a bad read.