A review by rjvrtiska
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow


This is a long book. I state the obvious only to emphasize my point and point out it’s appropriateness. A short biography of the prolific writer that Hamilton was has missed the boat. I read this over 15 months, 2 (additional) viewings of the musical, and lots of Covid-required cold car reading during my children’s activities. The book is large (I affectionately called it my brick book), and the word count per page is high (about 500 by my highly inaccurate English teacher life hack method), and Chernow still managed to make it seem like he didn’t quite have enough time or space to relate the whole story. Appropriately Hamiltonian.

I raise a critique of this mater work only as a point of personal curiosity. The biography skews to Hamilton’s side, but also supports this decision in light of Hamilton’s former handicaps in the annals of history. Following this book and it’s inspiration of the insanely popular musical, no current historian can argue Hamilton being generally unknown. However, I do feel the need to read a quality biography that skews in Jefferson’s and/or Burr’s favor to right the balance.

Time will be carved out this week for my 4th viewing of the film. Passing on seeing Hamilton in NYC this summer will remain a $700 ($350/ticket) regret.