A review by nrichtsmeier
The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet by Nina Teicholz


Wow. Wow and wow. If you have the mildest interest in legitimate health science research you need to read this book. But even if you don't, what a read. While absolutely chock-loaded with a decade of research it reads like a cautionary tale of Big Food, Big Philanthropy and Big Government conspiring to do what they always do: find shortcut solutions to big problems that will play well in Big Media. In the wake of these disasters of proportion, is the American (and in some cases the global public) who have been sometimes innocently and sometimes willfully mislead about the real state of the research on food science and what we really know about what keeps us alive. While the title may allude to a passion project for the defense of an animal-based diet (and there is some of that) this book is better read as an almost noir-style who-dunnit of the great health crises of our time. You may be surprised (or not) at the culprits, but Ms. Teicholz work is both comprehensive and unrelenting in its rhetorical proof. Without a doubt the best non-fiction I've read this year and a reminder to us all that what we often claim as facts are really the result of big personalities who have distorted the facts in their wake.

Both for the credibility of the content and the joy of the read, I cannot more highly recommend this book.