A review by madladym
Kill Me by Stephen White


Synopsis: What if you could choose when to die?
But once you decide, you can't change your mind. Ever. No matter what.
We've all been there. A loved one or a dear friend becomes desperately ill, or is tragically injured. Maybe an automobile accident, maybe a stroke. Someone – maybe even you – says, "If that ever happens to me, I wish someone would just . . . kill me."
So . . . what if you had a chance to decide, in advance, what level of impairment you were willing to suffer before someone did just that – kill you? And what if you went ahead and hired someone to carry out your instructions? And what if . . .
Well, welcome to Kill Me.
Meet the Death Angels.
It's Alan Gregory's most tantalizing, most provocative, and most controversial case ever. A charming, vivacious man flies into Boulder, walks into Alan's office, and slowly begins to reveal the mess he's in.
The Death Angels are coming. Watch your back.

My thoughts: Oh my, but this was a different sort of thriller. Loved it. Highly recommend it if you like thrillers. It had everything in just the right amounts. Found it very difficult to put it down. I'll definitely be reading more by Mr. White.