A review by pavi_fictionalworm
Finding Emma by K. Ryan


This review was first posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds as part of the Blog Tour hosted by Indie Sage PR.

Disclaimer: I don’t usually post spoilerish reviews, but I am making an exception for this beauty of a book.


That’s the exact reaction I had, when I finished this book. Exact same one, verbatim, at my workplace, where I was sneaking in some reading time (because I couldn’t complete this book the night before!) when I should have been completing my paperwork. Didn’t really endear me to my supervisor, but really who cares? I just freaking had my life changed by iPad!!

(Ma’am: If you are reading this, I love my job and I need my job. Please don’t fire me!)

There are some books that when you read a blurb, you feel that this will be just one of those reads that I will like, but it will never be one of those reads that you will love coming back to. And that’s the exact same feeling I had when I read the blurb of this book. I thought, there is a cute animal, two protagonists, a feel good romance with the pet playing a central role that just might tug at my heartstrings but not make it bleed.

I need to sue my instincts ‘cause I am really ashamed that I pegged this book really wrong! When I was done with the book, all I could keep thinking was
“How could I have been so wrong? How could I have even thought that this would be a mediocre book? I think I might have been temporarily insane to think that THIS book could in any way be just a romance!”

Finding Emma starts off slow, that I have to agree. It also starts off giving the impression that it will be a mediocre book with the exact same plotline like almost every other romance story out there, but it isn’t! I swear to Lucifer, it really isn’t!

“I think I would’ve done anything he asked in that moment. I would’ve given him anything, told him anything he wanted to know, if only he’d just keep looking at me with this acceptance.”

Emma is a recluse who works in the corner café and runs a blog on beauty tips – but it wasn’t always so. She was a History Teacher and she absolutely loved her job, and yet a traumatic incident, a scandal rocked her world, and she left everything behind.

Emma is real. She is you. She is me. She is every single female who has ever found herself in a situation where she had to defend her honor, her integrity and her character, and find herself to be lacking, through no fault at all of her own. She is the female in us, who fights to be independent, to have her own identity yet has to temper down herself to be accepted or even to be considered an upstanding member of a hypocritical society.

Finn Mathew is a man who has been broken in his young life, for heartbreak leaves its brand of scars. He isn’t looking for anything, he isn’t looking for love but most of all, he isn’t looking for Emma. Yet he finds her, and the good guy that he is, treasures her.

Finn Mathew is your father. He is your brother. He is an epitome of every single man who spits in the face of misogyny. He is that man who loves every single part of you, even the bad ones. He is the man who fell for your scars first and your smile later. He is the man who has accepted your baggage and thinks it’s his privilege to carry it with you. He is the man you turn to at night, with full belief that you will never ever be turned away. Finn Mathews is the love of your life.

“I could do and say anything in front of him, embarrass or lay myself bare, and he wouldn’t care. It was as if the past didn’t exist and with him, there was only now. It was as he’d judged me from the moment we met, but hadn’t found me wanting…. Hadn’t tried to push me into anything I wasn’t ready for. He’d given me space, followed my lead, but somehow shown me a different path at the same time.
A new possibility. A new chance. There was safety in Finn Mathew’s presence I never thought I’d ever feel again.”

It is very hard to understand where this story takes a turn to reality, where it stops just being an adorable relationship you coo over to the one where it becomes a part of you. It isn’t just the writing that’s the best part of this book (though the writing is flawless), it is the fact that the characters, the plot, every single part of this book gets under your skin before you even realise it had happened, and now there is a itch, the kind that makes you think about reality, when all you want to do is bury your head in sand.
K. Ryan is a new author to me, an author that now I can’t help but respect and adore, because it takes special kind of talent to make readers face a harsh reality under the guise of something as inconspicuous as romance.