A review by jussjess
A Room Away From the Wolves by Nova Ren Suma


This was my first magical realism book...its been awhile I was had to start the book over before I even got to the third chapter. I love Bina, she was real, her emotions, anger, and loss of love she feels. I do hate the ending Bina, would never be able to fix her situation with her mother. Or rather her mother would never be able to be a mother to her daughter...One shocking aspect of this is the marriage between the mother and the stepfather. Their relationship showed how some step-parents do not care about the new spouses children but Bina's mother was super accepting of his daughter's so much that she treated her biological daughter like a problem....That was hard to read because Bina just wanted her mother but her mother wanted to be the best wife and keep them with a roof over their head, and food on the table. Bottom line just read the book!