A review by cosmicbooknook
Failure to Communicate by Kaia Sønderby


EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS BOOK IS PERFECT. I mean, we have an Own Voices autistic main character! Who's also bisexual and polyamorous! And has feelings for both a boy and a girl! Polyamorous flirting! Strong hints at a f/f/m romance! And it takes place wayyyy in the future, in a world where eugenics has wiped out most disabled people. Xandri is one of the few autistic people left in the universe. And she's the head of Xeno-Liasons on board the ship Carpathia, which deals in first contact with all different alien species on all different planets. Which basically means she helps solve disputes and form alliances between humans and aliens. So there's a lot of politics in this book, and I may have been a bit lost at times trying to understand everything. But I didn't even care cause I was so captivated by the many different alien species from all different cultures, by the different planets and foreign animal species they came across. Xandri loves animals and loves researching them and was super interested to learn everything about them. To which, I can relate. And she's such a well written character, one who I related to more than I've related to any character ever. She's incredibly smart and conscientious, but she also has some issues with touch and certain food textures and with reading people/situations, despite having studied social behavior and norms for years. I love her so much. Diver and Kiri, the love interests, are wonderful. I loved their flirting and I can't wait for more in book 2, which is already out. And book 3, which will possibly come out this year. And 4. And 5. And so on. Because guess what? THERE'S GONNA BE 8 FLIPPIN BOOKS IN THIS SERIES. Which sounds crazy and for any other series I'd be like....buy why??? But when it comes to a series with a bisexual polyam autistic main character, I can't get enough. I am psyched. The thought of 6 more books to come......is the most comforting thought in the world. I'm currently reading the prequel novella because I NEED more but don't wanna start book 2 until I at least have an idea of when book 3 will be released. BUT GUESS WHAT? Book 2 is told from both Xandri AND Diver's POV's. I love Diver to death and can't wait for a glimpse into his head. So, I may not be able hold off from starting it as soon as I finish the prequel. AHHHHHH. Okay, this is getting wayyyy to long and I gotta stop now! Bye! Read this book!!!