A review by chronicreader96
Eve of Man by Giovanna Fletcher, Tom Fletcher


Rounded down from roughly 4.5 stars ⭐️ the sci-fi and dystopian genres are something I haven’t explored much before, but I don’t know why because I really enjoyed this book!

Eve of Man follows Eve, the only girl to have been born in 50 years. She is necessary to keep the human race going. However, life starts to take her down a path that her captors had never planned for her when she meets Bram.

I can honestly say I have never read anything like this before and I was completely sucked in by the plot. I found it so unique and it brought about some thought-provoking ideas. I loved the short chapters and the changing of point of view between Bram and Eve. I also loved that it touches on some important topics, such as the beauty in Mother Nature and the danger in humans abusing the world we live in. I found myself really sucked into the vivid world that was created. I could picture it all so clearly in my mind. I particularly liked the parts that were based outside of the tower. I would love to see more of this throughout the trilogy!

This was going to be a definite 5 star read for me until the book started nearing the end. I just found myself feeling ever so slightly confused by what peoples motives were and what was going on. This may be a personal issue though. That being said, I absolutely loved this book and cannot wait to read the next book in the trilogy! This is definitely a book that leaves you wanting more, more answers, and more closure.

I would recommend this to anyone who wants to try (or enjoys) sci-fi and dystopian fiction but please be aware that it reads in quite a YA tone.