A review by morgan_blackledge
Psychopharmacology: Straight Talk on Mental Health Medications by Joseph F. Wegmann


If your a mental health clinician, this book is priceless. It's clear, short, organized, and informative. The author systematically goes through each of the major psychopathologies (e.g. schizophrenia, bipolar etc.) and (a) summarizes each of their symptom clusters, (b) provides a case study vignette for each of them and (c) explains each of the indicated drugs of treatment for each condition including side effects and contraindications etc.

My masters of psych training didn't include any real equivalent to this material. I had biopsych, which was tremendously informative, and provides a solid foundation for understanding the material in this book. And I took psychopathology, which I could obviously say the same about. But I didn't get training in the specific psychopharmacological preparations and their indicated applications. This book really fills in the gaps. Plus it's written by a psychiatric social worker, so it also has all kinds of advice on how to interface with doctors and work in the medical context.

I just have to reiterate, that the book is clearly written and only includes absolutely essential information with zero fluff (i.e. It is extremely well edited). If your a social worker, counselor or therapist get this thing. You will love it.