A review by babs5005
The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis


I really liked this book and that’s kind of funny because I actually checked this book out from the library fully expecting to loath it. A long time ago I watched a preview of the movie, “The Blind Side” and thought it appeared pretty offensive. It seemed like one of those white savior movies where some white person goes to some scary part of town to rescue a black person (usually, some gifted and talented black person) and then they pat themselves on the back for doing a good deed.
Never mind the fact that it’s white supremacy that created the circumstances that allowed the white savior their privilege and position as rescuer, and the deliberate systemic racism in our country that caused the crippling of the black person they rescued.
So I thought this book was going to piss me off and I was going to hate-read it, but it turned out to be very interesting. First the writing is fun and fast paced. Michael Lewis is no John Steinbeck, but he can write an attention-grabbing read.
What’s more is that this book teaches you a lot about football. I enjoy learning about football and this was the kind of book I needed to get involved in the details. It was extremely interesting to learn about the pass rushers and how the left tackle is needed to protect the quarterback’s blind side. The development of the left tackle as a position that is of its own importance and no longer lumped in with the rest of the offensive line was fascinating history. I didn’t know the left tackle was one of the highest paid positions on the field, but because it is so important to protect the quarterback from getting sacked by the pass rusher, NFL teams will pay big money for the right guy. It seems a good left tackle can’t be made, but must actually be born to play the position, in that, their size is a large factor in their ability to stop the rush. They have to be enormous, but they also have to be athletic. This means that your average 350-pound guy can’t apply for the position if he’s not both fast on his feet and solid muscle. You can’t be a fat 350-pound guy and be a great left tackle, you have to be fit, and that’s rare in this weight class if you’re just combing through the general population of our country.
To be a great left tackle you’ve got to be tall, with long arms and big hands too. This type of person exists, but they are rare and hard to find, and that’s why the NFL will pay them handsomely for their efforts.
I also didn’t know anything about Lawrence Taylor until I read, “The Blind Side,” and now I’m going to get his autobiography. I’m also going to read a book written by Bill Walsh.
Now, I do have a few concerns regarding this book. One is that this rich white family by the surname Tuohy adopted this black kid from the city, and the kid was kinda old when he was adopted. I think he was a pretty big teenager when he was adopted by these people and he was projected to eventually be a huge football star, which made it look like it’s possible he was adopted because these people wanted him to play for Ole Mississippi State. This argument, if true, is insane to me.
Who adopts a child to get him to play for their Alma mater? I guess I’m from Michigan where people like football, but are not obsessed with football, so I just don’t understand what would motivate a family to go to such great lengths to stack their college football team of choice.
I can see, for example, assisting and caring for a kid who I hoped would play for the Michigan State Spartans, since that’s where I went to school and I want the Spartans to have a winning season. However, to actually go so far as to adopt a child to sort of rig things so my team wins is just doing too much. It’s insane! I hope the Tuohy family really does love Michael Oher—even if just for the sake of their own sanity.
My next mention here is that I read, “The Blind Side” in 2022 and I know that Michael Oher turned out to be a rather mediocre player in the NFL. Now, don’t get it twisted, anyone who plays football at a professional level is a damn good player and that’s a fact. However, with all the hype about Michael being the next greatest left tackle in the NFL, I’m sad to report that he wasn’t really that impressive. He never made it to the Pro Bowl and he’s not going into The Pro Football Hall of Fame. Sure he was all right, but I don’t think he turned out to be worth all those college coaches practically shitting their pants over.
Michael was all right. I’m glad he is successful and I hope he’s happy. I hope the Touhy family adopted him for the right reasons and that they really do love him. I hope he has a strong connection with his adoptive family as well as his biological family and I hope he has started a family of his own.
I really did enjoy this book, and though I am surprised by that fact, I must say that my surprise is a sign that I need to keep an open mind and give things a chance without rushing to judgement. I would reread this book again willingly. But I will never watch the movie. Never.