A review by lynseyisreading
Undone by Shannon Richard


This book was pure bliss. I enjoyed every single page of it.

Do you ever feel like some contemporary romances are just too angsty and painful to be enjoyable? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love me a bit of drama, but on the other hand, I don't like to feel bogged down by my romances. I want to ultimately close the book and feel uplifted and happy. This book did that for me and then some. It was delightful. I particularly enjoyed how, although circumstances in both Paige and Brendan's pasts certainly shaped events, they weren't dwelt upon too much. The focus was on what was happening in the now, and that, my friends, was the forming of a beautiful, sweet and deeply romantic relationship.

Another thing I really enjoyed were the ups and downs of small town life. There were the closed-minded busy bodies that I just wanted to drop kick, but also, I was introduced to some of the sweetest characters, both male and female, that I cannot wait to revisit in future books to see who ends up with whom. I think one of them is pretty obvious, and they're next so that should be fun!

Brendan and Paige's characters were both portrayed really well, and they felt real and natural. I loved how supportive Brendan was, and how lively Paige was. They both complemented each other perfectly and are a couple you could easily imagine staying together forever.

I'm not sure what else to tell you other than go and get this book. So...go and get it!

5 Stars ★★★★★
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.