A review by the_ya_assassin
Fairest by Marissa Meyer


This was a brilliant addition to the Lunar Chronicles. I wondered how Levana could be so evil (she's obviously the evil queen, which I think made this sci-fi series a little more endearing to me because each character was a retelling of a fairytale character). I finally understand why!

I almost feel . . . bad for her? I mean, she was neglected as a child by her parents, had an even MORE evil sister (who scarred her for life, LITERALLY), and wasn't loved by the one man she thought was the one.

At the same time, I think she's a little crazy from all of this. When her sister burned her, I think it broke something irreplaceable inside of her - her sanity. Yes, she is clever and strategic, BUT she had no concept of love or the consequences of doing something when someone says no. I mean, she tried to KILL her niece because she was jealous! She was also REALLY vain.

I wonder who Cinder's father is . . .

One thing I didn't enjoy was the fact that there were NO chapters. I had to keep reading and reading and reading simply because there wasn't a good spot to stop.

Overall, [b:Fairest|22489107|Fairest (The Lunar Chronicles, #3.5)|Marissa Meyer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1460846345l/22489107._SY75_.jpg|41928590] is a nice backstory that helped me understand why Levana is so cruel and evil.