A review by dobbsthedog
Mayann Francis: An Honourable Life by Mayann Francis

This book was okay.  I read it for work and because I’m trying to read more African Nova Scotian authors.

Mayann Francis definitely has lived an incredible life and done some amazing work throughout it.  Though I think there are also a lot of times where she doesn’t recognize the extreme privilege she’s had.  That grated a bit.

I did learn more about the role of the lieutenant governor position, which I previously knew nothing about.  I am certainly no fan of the crown, so don’t really care about these sorts of things.  That being said, for her position, it’s amazing that she was the first black woman to be a lieutenant governor and I was shocked and appalled at the amount of racism that she encountered while in this role.  And it wasn’t that long ago! Though did have to smile that it was the NDP who finally treated her properly.

Overall, an okay read, but not one I was overly interested in.