A review by lina_reads
Unforgotten by Jessica Brody


You can also find this review on my blog: The Little Book Pixie

Although Unremembered was not my favorite book of 2013 it was good enough to make me want to read and pre-order the second book after all super humans and time travel sounds like an excellent premise, how naïve of me.

The story actually had a pretty good start; it begins one week after the events of the first book with Sera and Zen living as country famers in the year 1609 in England. Obviously going back a few centuries is difficult for anyone especially if the only life you know is living in a high tech lab and it’s even more if you were created there. This was actually my favorite part of the book very interesting and genuine it sets an excellent pace and you think you are going to read an excellent book but sadly Zen gets sick and the only cure is in the future so to save him.

Pros of the book:

-The part of the book that happens in 1609 it was by far my favorite and I wish it had been longer.

-Zen helping Sera fight her programming and not going all macho I will protect you no need to know how to defend yourself, so nice to see young men portrayed like that.

Cody: my favorite character of the series so far and I loved how he grew up to have a good and fulfilling adult life. Nice character growth

And now for the Cons:

-It dragged too much, there were parts I skipped pages and Sera was still in the same thread of thought. I would have made the book about 100 pages shorter.

-Kaelen: using a perfectly interesting new character as an element in a love triangle??? It wasn’t necessary for Kaelen to be Seraphina’s perfect match he could just have been a counterpart to her or a newer version or something else not her genetically programmed life partner just no. And what kind of name s is Kaelen?

-It was made perfectly clear in the first book that Seraphina is the most beautiful person ever, after all everyone that met her in the book said so, I got the point there was no need to keep people telling me how beautiful she is in the second book I get the message nobody compares all hail Seraphina’s beauty

As you can see I didn’t enjoy this book very much it was pretty forgettable and clearly suffers from second book syndrome but I am going to read the third book just to get closure and because the other books that I’ve read by Jessica Brody had good endings so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the series will have a good ending.

Final rating 1.5/5