A review by itskeerstin
Weyward by Emilia Hart


Loved the multi cast of the audio. Phenomenal.

I really initially enjoyed the 3 timelines we bounce between. Around 30% you start to wonder/put together how they’re connected. I was still so invested.

Then: tons of on-page rape. Tons of on-page relational abuse. Physical, emotional, controlling, forced pregnancy. Then pregnancy loss, stillborns, more rape. Rape of a virgin. Not a single trigger warning on the audio book or the physical book. The only purpose these experiences served for the plot was to show these 3 generations of women had a connection. That they all experienced it in one form or another. And then for the over-arching theme of the 3 women having witchiness in their blood but to never really show any magic…. Just to hint at it…. Felt like a let down. Magical realism versus actual fantasy, it turns out, is not my thing.