A review by incipientdreamer
Cursed Princess Club, Season 2 by LambCat


Oh so Goodreads has separated it by seasons! that's nice

I just finished S2 and it was amazing! Such a heartwarming and funny story. The characters are all so amazing, I'm glad we got some more insight into Gwen's sisters, along with Fredrick's backstory. I might not hate Fredrick as much now, but he still needs to go a long way before being redeemed in my eyes. The best part of this season was probably Gwen's journey to self-love and acceptance. She is such a wonderful person, yet people fail to see beyond her looks. The close second best part was Prez's backstory! It wasn't what I expected, and I wish LambCat would do a spinoff on how Prez founded the Cursed Princess Club. I don't like Leopold's character so much, he seems shady and creepy.
The plot twist at the end wasn't a big shock to me, I always wondered why Jamie and Gwen didn't look alike if they are twins. Something sinister happened, which might explain the unequal division of "beauty" among the siblings.
Anyways I can't wait for the 3rd season to come!